Thursday, January 10, 2008

A year of savings Day 10 - banking

We bank at a credit union and I think it saves us lots of money compared to a traditional bank. Our checking and savings accounts are completly free.
Our credit union has free online bill paying and I have been using it for about a year, so our 10 or so bills every month don't require a postage stamp or a paper check.
I guess we could but we don't use ATMs or have a debit card. We pretty much know how much cash we will need and we just get it bi-weekly at the credit union. I don't even write a check then, I just show my ID to the teller and get my cash.
Postage savings from online bill paying is about $45-50 dollars a year.
We do have to pay for our paper checks but a box lasts us so much longer now.


  1. Hey, thank you for sharing your money saving tips! Love, Esther

  2. We use a credit union too. What we lack in ATM convenience we more than make up for in free checks and better interest rates. I like the small company feel of a credit union too.


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