Jeff got 4 Polo-type shirts, they are 100% cotton and have a pocket on the front for this cell phone. I got 2 girlish Polo-type shirts. Everything was buy 1 get 1 for 1 cent or buy 1 get one for 99 cents. I also used a $15 off a $75 purchase coupon.
Our 6 shirts ended up costing $71.74, averaging about $12 a shirt. The original tags on these shirts were $22, $26 and $30.
My suggestions to save money at retail stores are only shop when you need something, shop when they have sales and use store coupons.
We really do have a lot in common. If only my JC Penny were closer. I bought almost all of my children's clothes when they were growing up at Pennys. If I had small children now, I'd buy a lot of their clothes at thrift stores and the rest at Penny's.